Lootbox - Sexy af Clickbait Princess Gacha- for Maitreya, Hourglass and V-tech♥ Rare Lootbox 1- Rare Bra with Hud + Rare Tops w/hud + Choker Rare Lootbox 2- Rare Boots with Hud+ Rare Black Pants+ Earrings.15 Commons Vip Reward for 1k in pulls♥ - I am wearing DIRTY PRINCESS- Clickbait Princess Choker
DIRTY PRINCESS- Clickbait Princess Boots- Maitreya
DIRTY PRINCESS- Clickbait Princess Bra- Maitreya
DIRTY PRINCESS- Clickbait Princess Pants- Maitreya Black Rare
Tableau Vivant \\ Ari braid Add on. It comes with a style hud with right, left and back options.Hair base is included (optimized for catwa mesh heads) and comes in Catwa and Omega system, 6 tints each @
Hair Fair Blonde Sim!